Episode 30

30: [H]oorah! with Chuck Sweet and Don Ramirez

Published on: 25th January, 2021

(00:00) Intro

(01:18) President Donald Trump’s final day in office: On January 20, 2021, former President Donald J. Trump delivered his final speech as the United States’ chief executive at a small event held on the windswept tarmac at Andrews Airforce Base. Christophe and Sean react, with more than a little bit of satisfaction, to this fitting end to Mr. Trump’s ignominious presidency.

(11:12) President Joe Biden’s first day in office: Christophe and Sean describe the range of emotions they experienced as they witnessed the commencement of the Biden-Harris administration and, importantly, the conclusion of the Trump-Pence administration. Sean explains his concerns regarding the ubiquitous Inauguration Day ‘Bernie’ memes. Christophe discusses his misgivings about the religious rituals in the Inauguration Day schedule.

(35:28) The Problem of White Christian Nationalism: Josh Hawley is the junior United States Senator from Missouri and an unabashed theocrat who believes that democracy and the rule of law are subordinate to Christianity. Christophe and Sean explain how theocratic authoritarianism is the inevitable end point of Hawley’s terrifying belief system, and they discuss conservatives and moderates’ acquiescence to theocrats’ steady infiltration of American politics.

(50:15) Hank Aaron has died: Christophe and Sean pay their respects to the life and legacy of baseball legend, and civil rights hero, Henry Louis "Hank" Aaron. They explain how America’s “white inferiority complex” leads to the sort of despicable racism Aaron faced during his record-setting career.

(55:23) [H]oorah!: Guests Chuck Sweet and Don Ramirez explain why they enlisted in the United States Marine Corps, what they did while they were there, and how the experience has shaped their lives and identities.

(01:07:25) Chuck and Don describe the internal culture of the Marine Corps, including what it is like to be a progressive in the military community, their oath to defend the Constitution as opposed to any one leader, and how they, and the veterans they know, responded to the Trump era. The relationship between America’s civilian population and America’s armed forces. Chuck explains his belief that, contrary to right-leaning political narratives, the military is better off under progressive civilian leadership. Christophe, Sean, Chuck, and Don describe how compulsory national service could lead to a shared sense of American identity and community that is sorely lacking the modern United States.

(01:47:33) Outro


Show notes:

The Roots of Josh Hawley’s Rage. Why do so many Republicans appear to be at war with both truth and democracy?

Josh Hawley - Speech at American Renewal Project - December 7, 2017

Hosanna-Tabor Evangelical Lutheran Church and School v. EEOC

Valuing the Military in a Liberal Society, by Matthew Fay

But Really.... podcast

Models and Citizens, by Andrew Sweet


Email: theradicalsecular@gmail.com

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Twitter: @RadicalSecular


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Radically Human
with Difo and Liz
Social Justice through Shared Experience, Strength, and Hope